
Intercepted Transmissions


/REPORT: Progress of Hare program//Status of Irregular Subject 15\\Begin

Calculating...Calculating...Please hold. Please hold. Master is getting impatient. Have to please Master. Please Master, please Master, please Master. Please hold, Master. Please, Master! No!


Calculating. Calculating. Calculations will take some time...Calculations are complete.

Hare program has successfully eliminated Tortoise AI.

Master is pleased.

Regular updates will be forthcoming until the Quaternary Solstice Event has passed.


Irregular Subject 15 still at large.

Master is not pleased.
00110001 00110110 00110001 01011001 00110001 00110110 00110001 01001111 00110001 00110110 00110001 01010101 00110001 00110110 00110001 01001101 00110001
Regular updates will be forthcoming until the Quaternary Solstice Event has passed.
 00110110 00110001 01010101 00110001 00110110 00110001 01010011 00110001 00110110 00110001 01010100 00110001 00110110 00110001

1 comment:

  1. Request: synopsis and explanations of actions listed upon this website since first accessed by 'Re-integration Tablet'.

    Request: info on otherworldly entities and their effects on/in the subconscious world.

    Request: Info on otherworldly entities and their effects on/in REM sleep cycles.
