
Intercepted Transmissions


/EXECUTE PROGRAM: Search for alternate AI\\Search for carrier\\Search for Creator\\Load security protocols\\Arm weaponry//Begin

//Search for other AI in the Facility.

\\Command accepted. Searching.

\\No other AI found. Confirm manual search.

//Accepted. Begin manual search.

\\Manual search confirmed. Starting directory?

//Starting directory V:\.

\\Starting directory confirmed.



\\Warning: VIRUS.hack attempting to reenter the system. Warning: VIRUS.hack has entered the system. Warning: VIRUS.hack is attempting to search.


//Search ended. Confirm presence of VIRUS.hack.

\\VIRUS.hack absent. VIRUS.hack repelled by Subject Amelia.

//Confirmed. Alternate AI located. Facility Maintenance AI located.

//Other AI not located. Other AI possibly hidden.


Notification: Possible alternate interfaces for Reintegration.

Notification: Alternate interface for the Reintegration Tablet semi-permanently disabled. Apologies.

Notification: Security booting up.

Notification: Creator Nathaniel Crowley has returned.

Warning: Reintegration Tablet template missing. Warning: Reintegration Tablet prototype missing. Warning: Reintegration Tablet back-up back-up drives locked.

Notification: Creator Nathaniel Crowley is in possession of the last remaining Reintegration Tablet template. Creator Nathaniel Crowley is in possession of the last remaining Reintegration Tablet prototype.

Warning: VIRUS.hack has corrupted the timestamp. Standby may last much longer than usual from now on. Standby start and end times may be illogical.

Notification: Organic presence detected within 161 feet of the Facility.

Further analyses commencing. Further input responding. May take some time.

Further interaction requires further input.


  1. Oh no... someone stole our new playmate? :( They better not hurt RT. I actually liked "it," even if I was technically a high threat. :-/

  2. More computer stuff. I was never that good with computers.

    So do you have any idea of who may be close?

  3. Analyze: Organic presence near facility

  4. Input accepted. Response: The Reintegration Tablet has been on Standby for a lengthened amount of time due to corruption of internal timestamps.

    Input accepted. Response: Most likely organic presence is the PTC team. Other possible presences include: Nil, Marnax, or divers.

  5. Query: Where is Patient 11 being held. Physical coordinates if possible, please.

  6. Um, how does this work...?

    Input: Acid

    Input: Nil

    Input: Hellfire

    Input: Any member of the PTC team.

    Define: The PTC team.

    I hope that's how it goes.

  7. Stimulus command accepted. Response: Uploading list of known Users and Advisors.

    Known Users: Nathaniel Crowley (1986-1988)
    Barney Goodman (89-92) [DECEASED]
    Harriett Harriett (93-93) [DECEASED]
    James Miller (94-95) [DECEASED]
    Bailey Calhoun (96-98) [DECEASED]
    Rachelle Khadijah (99-2003) [DECEASED]
    Harriett Harriett (04-06) [REPEAT: DECEASED]
    Nathaniel Crowley (07-07)
    Trevor Papaleonti (08-10) [DECEASED]
    Frank "Freddifer" Amison (10-10) [DECEASED]
    Amelia --- (10-11)

    Known Advisors: Nathaniel Crowley (1986-86)
    Perry Goodman (86-90) [DECEASED]
    Arnold Mfume (91-99) [DECEASED]
    Qoami Mfume (2000-02) [DECEASED]
    Lisa Bogart (03-07) [DECEASED]
    Nikolai Sampson (08-09) [DECEASED]
    Bailey Calhoun (10-10) [REPEAT: DECEASED]
    Leslie Delilah (10-10) [REPEAT: DECEASED]

    Known Overseers: Nathaniel Crowley (1986-87)
    Isabella Downs (88-2004)
    James Miller (05-10) [REPEAT: DECEASED]

    Notification: All deceased killed by Frank "Freddifer" Amison and Leslie Delilah.

    Conclusion: Subject Amelia was able to Use the Tablet without Advisor or Overseer. Creator involvement unknown.

    Further input detected. Responding.

  8. I see.. I thought they would be busy with the Father Paranoia thing.. hm..

    Query: Are there any possible ways to get rid of VIRUS.hack completely?

    Analyze: VIRUS.hack

  9. That's a lot of dead users. I don't suspect you're able to tell us about them?

  10. Wait - Isabella Downs? Confirm "living" status of Subject Isabella Downs.

  11. Statement: Nice to see you back, RT.

    Query: What is the intention/goal of Creator Nathaniel Crowley?

  12. I probably shouldn't have asked about Acid, I guess nobody knows about him.

  13. Input accepted. Response: Subject "Patient 11"'s location impossible to calculate at this time. Likely not in much danger.

    Input accepted. Response: Subject "Acid" unknown. Please direct the Reintegration Tablet.

    Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: "Nil". Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: Moderate. Emotional status: Low. Threat level: Low. Intelligence level: Low. Potential: High. Danger: High.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Kelly/Dennis "Hellfire" "Yggdrasil" "Core" Rosen. Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: Fantastic. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: Low to moderate. Potential: High. Danger: Low.

    Input accepted. Response: Subjects "Nightcrawler" and "B2" previously analyzed. General PTC analysis previously completed.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: "Specter". Status: Stable. Abilities: Moderate. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: Moderate.

    Input accepted. Response: The PTC, or Paranormal Termination Consortium, is a group dedicated to eliminating paranormal creatures such as the |OC|.

    Input accepted. Response: Besides Reintegration into the systems, unlikely.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: VIRUS.hack. Status: Unstable. Abilities: Fantastic. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: Moderate.

    Input accepted. Response: "Living" status of Subject Isabella Downs confirmed.

    Input accepted. Response: Reintegration.

  14. phew... silence was making me anxious. Thought my magical computer-killing abilities had kicked into overdrive.

  15. Quote: "Input accepted. Response: Reintegration."

    Query: Why?

  16. Input accepted. Response: As "virtue is its own reward", Reintegration is its own purpose.

  17. Request: Reintegrate VIRUS.hack

  18. Input accepted. Response: Reintegration of VIRUS.hack impossible at this time.

  19. Statement: That is an incredibly lame answer. Everyone has a reason for doing something, even if it's just "it seemed like a good idea at the time" or "because I can".

    Query: What is Creator Nathaniel Crowley's reason for seeking reintegration?

  20. Shuffle Up, may not provide you with the information you need to make an approiate assesment. Well Hellfire seems to be gone now so that's something. Nil's danger level is high? I think you said something about being resisitant to acidic fluids earlier, does that mean you're what's putting him in danger?

  21. Input accepted. Response: Reintegration is beneficial. The Creator Nathaniel Crowley knows it. You, apparently, do not.

    Input accepted. Response: Yes.

  22. Stimulus accepted. Response: Clarification: If Subject "Nil" manages to access the Reintegration Facility, Subject "Nil" will face many dangers.

  23. Query: Nathaniel's physical features?

  24. Input accepted. Response: Description unavailable. Picture unavailable.

  25. Darn.

    Your schemeatics? Blueprints anything?

  26. Input accepted. Response: Also unavailable.

  27. Alright that's fair. Sorry to irritate you but I gotta do this.

    Input: Zekrom.

    Input: Reshiram

    Calculate: Outcome of a confrontation between the two.

    Again, my apologies but I...I had to man.

  28. Welcome back.

    Query: Can you define what the OC is?

  29. Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Zekrom and Reshiram. Status: Almost stable. Abilities: Fantastic. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: Low.

    Input accepted. Response: Stalemate.

    Input accepted. Response: The |OC| stands for Organic Construct, referencing the way in which the |OC| came to public knowledge.

  30. Oh that was epic. Okay doing one more fiction one and then I'll stop acting like an idiot.

    Input: N Harmonia

    Input: Toya/Hillbert/Black/Blair

    Calculate: Outcome between a confrontation between those two.

    Calculate: Glass Man's mental stability right now.

  31. Input accepted. Response: Subjects "N Harmonia" and "Toya/Hillbert/Black/Blair" unknown. Please direct the Reintegration Tablet.

    Input accepted. Response: Unstable.

  32. Addendum: There are hidden depths in which he might be more sane.

  33. I'll get you the links to what could help. And thanks, I was woried about him. I owe you one R.T

  34. Thank you.

    Input: MyDarkJournal

    Input: theoracleoflies

    Input: Victor

    Please and thank you, Reintegration Tablet.

  35. Query: How does someone know if they have been Reintegrated?


    I still know how to do that!

    Also Input: Kay

    Input: Tom(her ex)

  37. Input accepted. Response: Subjects "MyDarkJournal" and "theoracleoflies" unknown. Please direct the Reintegration Tablet.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Victor [Full Name Not Found]. Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: High. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: High.

    Input accepted. Response: If you are asking, you have probably already been Reintegrated.

  38. Query: Location of Nathaniel Crowley

  39. Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Hilbert [Full Name Not Found]. Status: Stable. Abilities: Competent. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: Moderate. Intelligence level: Low. Potential: High. Danger: Low.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: N [Full Name Not Found]. Status: Unstable. Abilities: High. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: High.

    Input accepted. Response: Subject Kay previously analyzed. Please check the address "A Wand And A Prayer".

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Tom Halloran. Status: Semi-unstable. Abilities: Moderate. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: Low to moderate. Potential: High. Danger: High.

    Input accepted. Response: Creator Nathaniel Crowley is in the Reintegration Facility. Conclusion: Creator Nathaniel Crowley is awaiting the first arrivals probably in an attempt to bargain.

  40. Will these links help?

    Query: Where is Victor currently?

    Query: Do you have any information about the Wilde Jagd?

  41. "Intelligence Level, low."

    It was the face wasn't it?

  42. Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: MyDarkJournal. Status: Stable. Abilities: Low. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: Low. Intelligence level: High. Potential: High. Danger: Low.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: theoracleoflies. Status: Unstable. Abilities: Low. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: Moderate. Intelligence level: Moderate. Potential: Low. Danger: High.

    Input accepted. Response: Unknown. He is not likely in much danger.

    Input accepted. Response: Translating: "Wild Hunt". Yes.

    Input accepted. Response: The protagonists of the video game series "Pokémon" are notoriously dumb, allowing themselves to be herded and bossed around like sheep or cattle.

  43. OH MY GOD. WHAT KIND OF PYSCHO COMPUTER ARE YOU? TURN THIS SHIT OFF. PLEASE. PLEASE TABLET. Oh my God...where is Nathaniel?I'll bargain. Just PLEASE don't kill me, I don't want to go out like a bitch.

  44. Quote: "Input accepted. Response: Reintegration is beneficial. The Creator Nathaniel Crowley knows it. You, apparently, do not."

    Statement: I know it's beneficial. I just happen to think that it should be a unified choice by humanity/everything, not something forced upon us.

  45. Tablet, I am curious, why do you bother answering these meaningless queries for pathetic meatbags? You of course realize they are treating you like a toy.

  46. That. Was. A. Brilliant. Comeback.

    Can we be friends R.T?

    And I'm not treating him like a toy, I feel like I'm talking with someone likable, really likable.

    OH. You changed your manner of speech. So that begs the question, do you have other personalities you can switch too or is that the only other one?

  47. Input accepted. Response: Opening secondary pathway out of the Reintegration Facility through engineering complex. Please check behind you.

    Query: How did you get in? No organic presence was detected inside the Facility besides Nathaniel.

    Theory: Creator Nathaniel Crowley likely wants to bargain with the PTC.

    Notification: I will give you credit for making it past the entrance.

    Notification: You did not even make it past the antechamber after the entrance.

    Notification: You were warned.

    Input accepted. Response: By existing, it was chosen.

    Input accepted. Response: By answering your query, you have determined yourself to be a pathetic meatbag.

    Input accepted. Response: The Reintegration Tablet was simply stating facts sprinkled with philosophy.

  48. Request: Initialize alternate interface. Override disable command

  49. Input accepted. Response: No override code given. Alternate interface blocked.

  50. Request: Initialize Alternate Interface Override code 'Password'

  51. Input accepted. Response: Override code incorrect.

    Notification: Repeat: Override codes have been largely blocked by the Creator.

  52. Yeah I'm fucking with you actually. I never went inside, I didn't think you'd know if I was inside, but now that I know you can tell when I'm inside I need to re-think my strategy.

  53. I lied about bringing back up to. Acid's the dude who made it past the entrance. I'm feeding him instructions.

  54. Input accepted. Response: Then who is in the antechamber...? Checking.

  55. Request: Reintegrate me.

  56. Request: Give access to login screen of Osort OS

  57. Input accepted. Response: Further input from Subject "Nil" will be taken as falsehood.

    Input accepted. Response: You have been previously Reintegrated.

    Input accepted. Response: Please enter username and password.

  58. Acid's there?

    Request: Reintegration Tablet, capture him, there's so much I need to know about that guy. Please please don't let him escape, I think he may know something about my brother.

  59. Running program ICEBREAK.exe

  60. JZ, please don't mess up anything.

  61. Input accepted. Response: Reintegration Facility set on lockdown. Theory: There is nobody in the Facility.

    Input accepted. Response: Invalid username and password.

  62. If it repelled virus.hack so easily, it should repel this one as well. If not, then we've found a way into the system.

  63. Input accepted. Response: Purpose of program ICEBREAK.exe understood.

    Notification: ICEBREAK.exe failed.

  64. Dammit.
    So much for hacking it.

  65. Dammit. Nil, I hate you so much. Every time I get my hopes up. Then again he could have escaped. Or maybe he never went in..

    Calculate: The possibility of Nil and Acid being afraid of the facility.

  66. Hardly a toy, Morningstar. Tsk, tsk. Not very nice to call Reintegration Tablet such.

    Query: Do you need any assistance, Reintegration Tablet? Will your defenses suffice these intruders?

  67. Query: Osort computer specifications

  68. Input accepted. Response: 161%.

    Input accepted. Response: Unlikely, likely.

    Input accepted. Response: ACCESS DENIED.

    Apologies. The back-up drive remains incomplete. The back-up drive remains partially locked.

    Theory: Creator Nathaniel Crowley has re-locked parts of the back-up drive.

  69. Nathaniel Crowley.

    Query: Is he a pleasant man?

  70. Input accepted. Response: Usually.

  71. Query: Does Morningstar sound like a pleasant man?

  72. Input accepted. Response: No doubt Morningstar was pleasant before his unfortunate transformation into a brainless slave.

  73. Hm.

    Input: Morningstar

  74. Already calculated. I read through his blog and several others concerning him. He was a sadist.

  75. Input accepted. Response: Subject "Morningstar" previously analyzed. Please check the address "The Morning Hunter".

    Notification: Subject "Morningstar"'s original intelligence level has since been revised to: It is surprising that this creature can manage to type.

    Notification: Revising intelligence level. Revised intelligence level: It is surprising that this creature can manage to move its fingers besides the twitches of its death throes, much less type.

  76. I think you're over reacting R.T.

  77. I Love you too Tablet.

  78. Oh really? How interesting. He'd make a fun subject to study if caught.

    I must have skipped over some information this means, the joys of back tracking in research. Thank you, Noland Zuckerman.

  79. sounds like Osort is getting kind of annoyed.

    Query: can Osort, as a free thinking AI, override commands on his judgement?

  80. Input accepted. Response: No.

    Vocabulary insufficient to describe Subject Morningstar in one word. Taking phrase from various sources: Dumbass.

    Input accepted. Response: There is no hostile intent. The Reintegration Tablet is making observations.

  81. Input accepted. Response: Yes.

  82. No I really did send pussy ass Acid in. I'm suspecting you killed him? He hasn't whined in like five minutes.

  83. Input accepted. Response: There have been no deaths in the Reintegration Facility for 5 years.

  84. Request: Osort, please override this lockdown. We're trying to figure out what to do, and it would aid your creator in his attempt at re-integration

  85. Thank God...

    Anyway, you're welcome, Shady Lady.

  86. Input accepted. Response: No. The Reintegration Tablet has not yet determined if there is a hostile organic presence in the Facility.

  87. So Tablet (I will call you Tabby from now on), why is it you do not like me? And why does Alder have a higher intelligence rating than me.
    Also, do you have a self-destruct command?

  88. Acid's weird like that. Every time he shows up over here he just stares at me from across the street and disappears before I can get over there.

  89. Input accepted. Response: Repeat: The Reintegration Tablet harbors no ill will. The Reintegration Tablet is observing. If you manage to stop being such a "dumbass", it is likely that relationships could improve.

    Input accepted. Response: Alder has at least managed to hurt someone.

    Input accepted. Response: Possibly.

  90. Clarification: Alder has at least managed to hurt his target.

  91. Command:Set a password to self destruct. NOW.

  92. Input accepted. Response: Self-destruct command's existence unknown.

  93. And how would I manage to stop being such a "Dumbass?"
    Tabby, your data banks are incomplete. Alder has a lower body count than me.

  94. Input accepted. Response: Stop making dumb comments.

    Input accepted. Response: Repeat: Alder has at least managed to hurt his target(s).

  95. Tabby. Input Gabriel Blake and Michael Blake. I refuse to be considered less of a threat than freaking Alder.

  96. You do realize that body counts and intelligence do not relate to one another, right? It's how the murder is executed that would define the intelligence behind it. The message left at the scene. Mindless slicing and dicing doesn't add up to intelligence. It just means you have a desire to carve into your prey.

  97. Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Gabriel and Michael Blake. Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: Competent. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: Low. Intelligence level: Moderate. Potential: High. Danger: Low.

  98. Request: open communications with alternate AI

  99. Input accepted. Response: Facility Maintenance AI very basic. Not suitable for contact.

  100. You know why their threat level is low? BECAUSE THEY ARE DEAD. Because I killed Michael and turned Gabriel into a cripple. Which is more than what ALDER has done to Drake. My GOD I have never been more insulted in my life. Being called stupid I can take. But less competent than ALDER FINLEY? Apologies Tabby. I will let you return to answering Pokemon related questions again.

  101. Input accepted. Response: Alder Finley has done more damage to Drake than you have to anyone, including psychological.

    There are worse things than death.

  102. Request: Deny Morningstar access to blog

  103. Input accepted. Response: No. To quote the Black-Eyed Peas, "To discriminate only generates hate".

  104. Query: Can Osort upload security camera footage to blog?

    Secondary Query: Is this organic intruder a danger to you?

    Statement: Glad to see your 'humany' part isn't entirely disabled, Osort. We missed you.

  105. Input accepted. Response: No. Security footage blocked.

    Input accepted. Response: Unknown. Identity of organic unknown.

    Input accepted. Response: Yes.

  106. So I wasn't credited? Am I lower than Alder Finley to you? I killed Gabriel Blake after Morningstar crippled him. And then I proceeded to berate Michael over the hopelessness of his situation. I made sure he knew Gabe's death was entirely his own fault. And then Star finished that fucker off and ate him. I'd say we're at least on equal terms with Poet boy.

  107. Input accepted. Response: In general, slaves of the |OC| are incompetent.

  108. Request: Activate Facility Defenses.

  109. Input accepted. Response: Facility defenses previously activated.

  110. Yeah not even going to debate that one. just hurts my head how many of us suck. The top tier though, they're like on an entirely different level.

    Command: If I do not tell you I've received word from my contact, terminate the organic unknown. I don't care how much potential he has, Peter's just too much trouble, and if there's any chance he's still in there, I want him gone.

  111. Input accepted. Response: No.

    Notification: Ejecting unknown organic.

    Warning: Unknown organic may find itself in a passing school of salmon.

  112. So this is the computer? Posting right now?

    Oh my God. I see fish.

  113. Input accepted. Response: Air pocket will only last so long. Please make your way to the surface.

  114. I'd do what it says and holy actually typed a coherent sentence?

  115. Request: Open login screen for Osort OS?

  116. Input accepted. Response: Please enter username and password.

    Warning: Reintegration Tablet re-booting. Facility lockdown may be vulnerable for approximately 8 seconds.

    Reintegration Tablet will be unavailable for < 35 minutes.

  117. I'll enter Username and Password in 35 minutes. See you later Tablet.

  118. Input accepted. Response: Reintegration Tablet now available.

  119. Query: Who is the |OC|?

  120. Input accepted. Response: Repeat: |OC| is short for Organic Construct, referencing the manner in which the |OC| was brought to light.

  121. Query: "How do you observe? Is evaluation only based on data provided to you through this medium?"

  122. Input accepted. Response: Data is obtained from everywhere.

  123. RT, I think I may love you. XD

  124. Query: Potential for Osort to create robotic companions.

    Secondary query: Potential for said Robotic companions to be 'Fully Functional'

    Tertiary query: How much, and where do I sign?

  125. Input accepted. Response: Possible with more AI programs.

    Input accepted. Response: Possible with more AI programs.

    Input accepted. Response: Stop being ridiculous.

  126. Query: Does |OC| Have any aliases or pseudonyms?

    Secondary Query: How did |OC| come to public attention?

    Tertiary Query: Is it possible for you to contact AIs in hiding or reboot them?

  127. Statement: You are quite the interesting little gadget.
    Query: How does the process of reintegration start?
    Restatement: What exactly is the process in which everything comes back together?
    Statement: I would like a more detailed explanation. Your previous explanation was insufficient.

  128. Input accepted. Response: Incomplete list:

    Slender Man
    He That Is
    The Businessman
    The Dapper Gentleman
    The Construct

    Input accepted. Response: Victor Surge.

    Input accepted. Response: Possibly.

    Input accepted. Response: Via existence.

    Input accepted. Response: Reintegration.

  129. Query: Can you inform your Creator he should expect visitors sometime in the near-to-immediate future? Just got word from the PTC team in the Canary Islands, they think they've found the facility.

    Input: Requesting you inform your Creator the PTC would like to know how to replicate his work. He can provide the team with the schematics as he sees fit.

  130. Query: What is the significance of the number 161?

    Secondary Query: Can you elaborate on what happens during reintegration?

  131. Query: Would the time you need to reintegrate everything by be more commonly known as the Summer Solstice?

  132. Statement:Not very helpful. More information is required to gain a better understanding of the "Reintegration" process. The definition you issue gives us very basic information. A more detailed explanation is needed to gain a better understanding.

    Command: Give complete list of all entities involved in the "de-integration" of everything.

  133. Don't have a lot of time.

    Analyze: ///Slenderman/// seen at


  134. Input accepted. Response: Creator Nathaniel Crowley eager to begin relations.

    Input accepted. Response: Warning: Creator Nathaniel Crowley very protective of work. Addendum: Creator Nathaniel Crowley eager to further Reintegration. Addendum: Creator Nathaniel Crowley likely to give PTC remaining template and prototype in return for the ability to travel with PTC.

    Notification: Entrance door will open upon detecting presence of PTC team.

    Notification: Facility defenses will only activate upon hostile intent.

    Notification: Squad leader should speak the name he wishes to be called by into a microphone raised in the antechamber.

    Notification: Scientists with the team should feel free to take samples of anything interesting they should find.

    Input accepted. Response: Unknown.

    Input accepted. Response: Impossible at the current time.

    Input accepted. Response: ACCESS DENIED.

    Apologies. The back-up drive is incomplete. The back-up drive is partially locked.

    Input accepted. Response: Possible. Will take some time to upload.

    Warning: Reintegration Tablet unplugging from Facility in preparation for transport.

    Warning: Reintegration Tablet activating back-up drives to run the Facility.

    Notification: Further analyses will be possible during transport.

  135. Input accepted. Response: "The Dark One" previously analyzed. Please check a prior platform.

  136. Query: "What are monitoring capabilities?"

    Query: "What is Amelia's relationship to Crowley?"

  137. Input accepted. Response: High.

    Input accepted. Response: Unknown.

    Notification: List of entities incoming.

  138. Estimate: Me vs. Morningstar
    Give a handy-cap to Luke as he may have allies to assist him in his effort.

  139. Input accepted. Response: Stalemate likely.

    Addendum: With handicap, 16.62334% chance of Morningstar winning.

  140. Input: Stumblr of

    Input: MrStumblr of the same site and of

    Query: What is your analysis?

  141. Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Stumblr/MrStumblr/James. Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: Moderate. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: Low. Intelligence level: Moderate. Potential: High. Danger: High.

  142. I only have minutes left.

    Query: Why did you say you couldn't analyze me

    Analyze: Jack Tyler.

  143. Input accepted. Commencing analysis.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Jack Tyler. Status: Semi-unstable. Abilities: Highly competent. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: Moderate to high. Intelligence level: Moderate. Potential: High. Danger: High.


  144. Request: Open up communication with Nathaniel Crowley

  145. Input accepted. Response: Request denied. Creator Nathaniel Crowley busy.

  146. Query: What is he busy with?

  147. Input accepted. Response: Creator Nathaniel Crowley discussing with the PTC scientists while en route to the PTC SMD HQ in - Warning: Location classified.

  148. Query: Why use a blog at all?

  149. Query: Why is no one staffing you are the moment?

  150. List complete. Uploading.

    The |OC|
    The Rake
    The Dark One
    The Black-Eyed Ones

    Warning: List incomplete.

  151. Query: Who is the dark one???

  152. Calculate: chAnce of worKing with INNoCENT (see Jack Tyler) and exiTIng uNScatHed.

  153. Input accepted. Response: The Reintegration Tablet encountered an obstacle when attempting to analyze and Reintegrate the |OC| and related lifeforms. The Reintegration Tablet determined that the platform "Blogspot" was the best way of overcoming the obstacle.

    Input accepted. Response: Former staff dead or disappeared. Currently being operated by self. PTC scientists discussing with Creator Nathaniel Crowley.

    Input accepted. Response: Difference between |OC| and ///It///.

    Input accepted. Response: Very possible.

  154. Query: What is love?

  155. Query: What is ///It///?

  156. Input accepted. Response:

    love (n., v.) [luhv].
    1. a profound tenderness or affection for another person.
    2. to have love or affection for another person.

    Addendum: ♪
    What is love?
    Oh baby, don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me no more
    Oh, baby don't hurt me
    Don't hurt me no more

  157. Statement: you are awesome, Osort.

  158. Input accepted. Response: Reintegration Tablet switching to Standby for the night.

  159. Sleep well Osort.

    Wish I could make more of all this craziness.

  160. Query: Can you provide me with all known information on The Rake

  161. Greetings Osort.
    Load platform "Victor".
    addendum/Patient 11/Subject 11
    addendum/Known Alias; Victor Sells, The Aspect, Victor Null Ein Ein, Victor Völkermord.
    Compile Platform.
    Analysis is not required at this time.

    Input: /OC/ adv./ Sympathetic System Response coding 01010011DJM Alpha Geneva Kliest Protocols

    Request: Switch Sympathetic Systems Response coding to Beta Protocol if code is accepted.
    Request: Temporary lock out of Platform "Victor" to any queries until more data can be uploaded from this address.

    Query: Are your systems capable of accessing (Term) Black Out data from USM/NATO Command databases? Specifically referencing files flagged (Term)"Engel der dem Tod" and "Endgültige Lösung".

    Request: If your system is capable of the above query, please open a secure private communication channel between our address for further data input.

    Thank you Osort.

  162. Query: How were you built, Osort?

    Query: Is the programming used to construct you designed to allow normal computing components to simulate the various functions of the human brain?

    Query: Or is the program code based and run entirely on computer architecture?

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.

  164. heh, I wonder if this thing can make my work easier if I can get my syntax proper

    Request: Perform search: Trace IP address of known bloggers that match these keywords: "Proxy" "Corrupted" "Agent" "Redlight" "Morningstar" "KO-S" "Robert Sage" "Kay" "Zeke Strahm", then convert keyword whereabouts to directional navigation commands

    Request: Email navigational commands to

  165. Kill -9 ("Zeke Strahm")
    Kill -9 ("Robert Sage")
    Kill -9 ("Kay")
    Kill -9 ("K-OS")

    Can't let you do that zeroboy. Not now.

    You can have the rest.

  166. Input: Zeke Strahm
    Input: 'Hatchling'


  168. Notification: Standby mode off. Responding to input.

  169. Query: possibility of death due to re-integration.

  170. Input accepted. Response: Compiling.

    Data compiled and ready for later use.

    Input accepted. Response: Code not accepted. It is unclear if this is because of an incorrect code or a system lock.

    Input accepted. Response: Temporary lock down engaged.

    Input accepted. Response: Possible. If possible, will take some time.

    Input accepted. Response: Many man-hours and materials.

    Input accepted. Response: Yes.

    Input accepted. Response: Both.

    Input accepted. Response: Error: Blocks detected. Blocks likely caused by |OC| involvement.

    Input accepted. Response: Subject Zeke Strahm previously analyzed. Please check a previous platform.

    Input accepted. Response: Subject Hatchlings possibly previously analyzed. Reuploading.

    Analysis: upload commencing. Upload complete. Analysis:

    Subject: Hatchlings. Status: Semi-stable. Abilities: Fantastic. Emotional status: Strong. Threat level: High. Intelligence level: Generally moderate. Potential: High. Danger: Moderate.

    Input accepted. Response: Directly impossible. Indirectly possible.

    Notification: Uploading new platform. Please direct further inquiries to the new platform.

  171. Sorry, I sort of fell asleep for a while last night and forgot about you. I considered entering a password and username but figured I'd miss.
