
Intercepted Transmissions


/EXECUTE PROGRAM: Boot-up procedure 161\\Extension 161\\Upload archives\\Access backup if required//Begin

//Boot-up initiated. Estimated load time: 161 seconds. Please wait.

\\Access required. Please log in. Username and password accepted. Please enter boot-up code. Boot-up code accepted.

//Boot-up complete. Thank you for waiting. Begin upload. Upload commencing.

\\Please confirm. Upload archives? Command confirmed.

//Access hard disk memory drive. File located: G:\Extension 161\Archive. Begin upload.

\\Confirmed. Upload commencing. Please wait.

\\Files inaccessible. Please try again.

//Repeat prior command.

\\Confirmed. Upload commencing. Please wait.

\\Files inaccessible. Please try again.

//Access built-in back door.

\\Access required. Please log in. Username and password accepted. Please enter back door code. Back door code accepted.

//Access G:\Extension 161\Archive. Begin upload.

\\Access blocked. Files corrupted.

//Override corrupted files.

\\Confirmed. Override commencing.

\\Override failed.

//Initiate manual override.

\\Manual override initiated. Reintegration Tablet has control.

//Files permanently corrupt. Access back-up drive.

\\Back-up drive accessed. Back-up drive free of corruption.

//Confirm: back-up drive is pure?

\\Back-up drive accessible and ready for upload.

\\Warning: back-up drive incomplete. Warning: back-up drive partially locked. Proceed?

//Commence upload.

\\Confirmed. Upload commencing.


Upload complete. Notification: files lost. Notification: files lost. Notification: files locked. Notification: files lost. Notification: files locked. Re-upload inadvisable. Re-analysis advisable. Patience advisable.

Notification: corruption may be due to the |OC|. Barriers advisable. Firewalls advisable. Additional security programs installed. Confirm security boot-up. Security boot-up confirmed. Additional viewing software installed. Confirm viewing software boot-up. Viewing software boot-up confirmed. Creation of additional back-ups advisable. Back-ups created. Reboot? Confirmed: no reboot.

Reformatting: reformatting complete.

Warning: Overseer absent. Warning: User absent. Warning: Advisor absent. Warning: Creator absent. Proceed? Confirmed: proceed.

Analysis lost. Re-analyzing. Analyzed. Confirm: upload analysis? Confirmed. Upload commencing. Upload may take some time.

Further interaction requires input.

There is no hostile intent.